Struck by the Crusaders or the Inalids
Los 1509
ISLAMIC, Anatolia & al-Jazira (Post-Seljuk). Zangids (Syria). Nur al-Din Mahmud, AH 541-569 / AD 1146-1173. Fals (Bronze, 27 mm, 6.10 g, 6 h), a contemporary imitation. Two imperial figures standing facing, between them labarum on three steps; around, blundered legend. Rev. Nimbate Christ standing facing; around, blundered legend. Cf. Album 1850 and S&S Type 73 (for prototype). CNG E-Auction 198 (2008), 342. Nearly very fine.

The crude style indicates that this coin is a contemporary imitation of a fals of Nur al-Din Mahmud. It was either struck by the Crusaders or possibly the Inalids, a Turkish dynasty which ruled a small principality in Anatolia from 1095 till 1183, when the famous Saladin captured their capital, the city of Amid
25 CHF
40 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 10-Dec-18, 00:34:30 CET
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